Community Post Link | Original Post Date |
Group limit reached | 26-Aug-24 |
RootsMagic GEDCOM upload errord | 23-Sep-24 |
Recent List shows people from FT | 10-Oct-24 |
Source dates are not uploading from GEDCOM file. | 22-Oct-24 |
CET & FT look alike - need distinction | 1-Nov-24 |
Create CET from scratch without a GEDCOM upload | 7-Nov-24 |
GEDCOM upload from Ancestry failed. | 9-Nov-24 |
Link in confidential person notice is to FGT not CET | 12-Nov-24 |
SourceLinker has no recent history or possible matches | 12-Nov-24 |
SourceLinker won't search by name | 12-Nov-24 |
SourceLinker error "already attached to a PID" but that PID is on FT not CET | 13-Nov-24 |
| 24-Nov-24 |
Importing a source with multiple URL's results in only 1 URL | 7-Dec-24 |
Unable to determine to which tree a "remembered" source in sourcebox belongs | 13-Dec-24 |
Source in GEDCOM becomes "event" in CET | 14-Dec-24 |
Individuals uploaded as part of CET added to FamilySearch global tree | 18-Dec-24 |
GEDCOM data not uploaded correctly - address required message | 27-Dec-24 |
| 27-Dec-24 |
| 27-Dec-24 |
| 29-Dec-24 |
Lessons learned from RootsMagic GEDCOM upload | 29-Dec-24 |
| 31-Dec-24 |
Standard dates and places not uploaded from Ancestry gedcom | 13-Jan-25 |
Unable to edit "other relationship" | 13-Jan-25 |
GEDCOM import puts "description" info into "collaborate" | 16-Jan-25 |
GEDCOM will not load - even tried zip | 18-Jan-25 |
Overwhelmed with the number of error messages after GEDCOM upload. Also, duplication of efforts to add to Ancestry or Family Tree Maker. | 19-Jan-25 |
People in tree marked with "GEDCOM file not uploaded properly" | 21-Jan-25 |
Error message stated that the linked person was on my CET tree, but it was a different ID # which is on the FS tree. | 26-Jan-25 |
Tree description modified, but new description does not show on the find page | 28-Jan-25 |
In CET tried to add an unrelated person, typed in name and location, and page opened to FT | 3-Feb-25 |
Record Hints displays finem but the "review and attach" button returns an error | 4-Feb-25 |
Research Help and SourceLinker confusing FT and CET | 16-Feb-25 |
"Other relationship" requires a description to be entered - this is redundant on enslavement relationships | 17-Feb-25 |
| 19-Feb-25 |
GEDCOM of 157MB failed to even start to upload | 13-Dec-25 |
source box confusion between trees | 13-Dec-25 | | |
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Issue Resolved: | |
Community Post Link | Original Post Date |
Add a person to CET using SourceLinker | 17-Jan-25 |
All information from Ancestry/GEDCOM not fully uploaded into CET | 16-Jun-24 |
All pages within CET are not updated with new CET name: Find, SourceLinker,Filtered Results: | 12-Aug-24 |
Allows user to copy from the FT to their CET or vice versa | |
Attempting to upload GEDCOM never completes, continues to show a spinner | 26-Apr-24 |
Can't delete tree created with failed GEDCOM file | 26-Apr-24 |
CET is backdoor way of changing FT.Possible Duplicates will help | 26-May-24 |
CET uploaded then went to feedback and now can only find FSFT. CET has disappeared | 22-May-24 |
Change log for CET | 11-Jul-24 |
Chat feature should attach to more than 1 tree person | 11-Nov-24 |
Data Problems Notification not functional yet | 30-Apr-24 |
Deleted CET and uploaded new GEDCOM. Old Tree still shows in groups with 3 members. New CET not in groups | 26-May-24 |
Duplicates created in FT & CET for same person. | |
Error messages should be more specific | 2-Nov-24 |
Evidentiary sources required for edits to FT | 18-May-24 |
Export GEDCOM file from CET | 24-Jan-25 |
Features missing Quality Score. | 18-May-24 |
FGT used to share temple names disappeared after accepting invitation to sister's CET. | 9-Jan-25 |
Find function in CET switches to FT | 26-May-24 |
Find Person link within the CET will fail when searching for a name | 17-Jun-24 |
FS Person count doesn't match GEDCOM upload count - FS requires 2 | 2-Jun-24 |
Full names of living people violate the Code of Conduct | 18-May-24 |
GEDCOM file upload needs error message for empty or bogus file | 22-Apr-24 |
GEDCOM from RootsMagic not standardized dates and places | 26-May-24 |
GEDCOM upload results in all but onne individual with "unknown" instead of the correct name. | 14-Nov-24 |
GEDCOM wouldn't load due to exceeding file size limit, no error message and endless spinner | 26-Apr-24 |
General inquirey about GEDCOM file size limitations | 5-Dec-24 |
General Question asking about file size limitations for upload | 12/5/2024 |
Grey and white pulsing image appears after upload | 8-Nov-02 |
Imported tree differences - click on name to resolve | 24-Apr-24 |
Imported tree differences moves errors back and forth between "Mark Reviewed" list to "Need Review" list each time you click the box | 7-Nov-24 |
Imported Tree Differences Tracking | 2-Jun-24 |
Japanese Kanji names converted to Chinese Roman during GEDCOM upload | 13-Dec-24 |
Lab experiment is named "User Owned Tree Feature". | 2-May-61 |
Landscape view - husband on bottom, wife on top | 12-Nov-24 |
Large notes prevent other notes from uploading | 2-Jun-24 |
Limited views in landscape and portrait | 18-May-24 |
Memories - use 3 main categories - reorder the items with most trustworthy first | 11-Jul-24 |
MyHeritage download successful. CET requires Ancestral Quest for upload | 24-Jan-25 |
Need error message for GEDCOM file upload failure | 29-Apr-24 |
No name for recent ? appears with PID | 9-Nov-24 |
Overview feature talks about family groups | 24-May-24 |
Possible duplicates from AF and PRF and CET. | 18-May-24 |
Recents loops back into CET instead of staying in FS Tree. | 29-Sep-24 |
Record Hints Features missing | 18-May-24 |
Record Hints not functional yet | 30-Apr-24 |
Research Helps not functional yet | 30-Apr-24 |
Run a CET "recheck" on profiles after imported tree differences are corrected | 11/20/2024 |
SourceLinker not functional yet | 26-May-24 |
Sources from GEDCOM do not have dates | 27-Apr-24 |
Sources on GEDCOM file do not have dates | 27-Apr-24 |
Spouse tree included in GEDCOM and uploaded | 18-May-24 |
Standardize Dates and places from Ancestry | 27-Apr-24 |
Standardized dates and places are needed from 3d party GEDCOM | 18-May-24 |
Standardized dates and places in CET | 27-Apr-24 |
Standardized dates and places in CET | 18-May-24 |
Tagging memory does not complete | 4-Sep-24 |
This will display when viewing sources if a possible attachment for another person on the historical record exists but is not yet working with CET | |
To update CET need FT & Ancestry & RootsMagic open - multiple trees and multiple browsers | 26-May-24 |
Transfer CET ownership from one person to another | 12-Sep-24 |
Unable to add record hint to person in another CET owned by another person. | 26-May-24 |
Unable to upload screenshots in FEEDBACK | 22-Apr-24 |
Unfounded concern that AF & PRF dumps into CET will create inactive trees | 18-May-24 |
Upload error should be removed from the list after they are resolved | 29-Oct-24 |
Upload from Family Historian not add nickname nor any facts or sources | 9-Nov-24 |
Upload said successful but CET says failed to upload | 9-Nov-24 |
Used throughout the FAQ, features currently supported, | 7-Dec-24 |
Very frustrating and combersome to sync info between CET & FT | 17-Jul-24 |
We detected a possible relationship issue in the Family Tree | 26-May-24 |
Which features are available and which are not | 27-Apr-24 |
Will internet spiders be allowed to index data from CET | 30-Jan-25 |
Wrong list of persons displayed when you have multiple trees | 22-Apr-24 |