Which features are available and which are not?

My GEDCOM file came from an Ancestry.com download. I can immediately see the limitations of the information brought by using a GEDCOM. For example, none of the sources have dates in the Source date field. I assume all the source dates with have to be added manually. Next, some of the people in my GEDCOM do not have sources. I understand that linking data from the FS Family Tree is in the future but meanwhile many of the people in the downloaded file who do not have sources would have to be verified although there counterparts in the FS FT have many sources added. I realize, I am getting into the project after a lot of work has already been done, but these are things that I notice that require quite a bit of extra work at this stage. In addition, the dates and places come in with Ancestry.com format and need to be standardized. Apparently, the View Relationship feature is not yet available. I guess it would be a good idea if I had a list of the features that do not work and are on the list of things that may be resolved in the future and those that will not be resolved unless they are done manually. I also note that the ordinance information is lacking. I guess all this falls into the realm of what I should and should not expect to see in the CET.
I have some additional observation about the View Relationship feature. When I am working on the FS Family Tree, I use the "View Relationship" constantly to focus on a particular family line. Without this constant reminder of how I am related and where I am working, I frequently end up on a unrelated line. In this case, without that function, the only was to use the CET would be to keep the Family Tree open in another window and work on both at the same time.
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When I open two windows, one with the FS Family Tree and one with the CET, and I start working my way back to where I am doing research, I can't keep both the CET and the FamilySearch Family Tree open at the same time. The program automatically switches the windows to one or the other. So, trying to use the "View Relationship" in one window and the CET in another window doesn't work. The program lets me look at only one version at a time.
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I am not sure at this time, if I can do any work on the CET on the lines I am currently researching. I will work with adding sources and cleaning up the CET some to see if I can do anything useful.
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One possible work around is to open the FS Family Tree in one browser and the CET in another browser. I am using Chrome and Edge for the test.
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I should also point out, as a member of the GEDCOM Steering Committee, that GEDCOM Version 7.0 was released about 3 years ago and FamilySearch (the sponsor) has yet to adopt the new standard.
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James, I'm going to break each item above into separate posts so that we can comment on and track them individually.
Providing a list of features that are currently functional and a list of features that are being worked on with estimated timelines would be valuable and we'll work on getting that posted as soon as we can.
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Thanks, that would be very helpful and probably help me not make so many comments :)
I will make a list from my perspective and see how they match. I have put on hold asking my daughters and wife to join in until I have a handle on the issues. Thanks for you patience.
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Since you're on the Gedcom Steering Committee, I'm wondering if you might be able to shed some light on this issue: In my recent Gedcom upload (via Ancestral Quest software) of over 40,000 individuals to CCET, I noticed that the basic profile data showed up but without any notes. When I checked the submitted Gedcom file the notes were there. Could the omission of the notes be due to Gedcom 7.0 not yet being adopted by FamilySearch?
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Yes, it could be an issue but I don't know what GEDCOM version is being used by FamilySearch. The last version before 7.0 was 5.5 and there is a 5.5.1 that was sometimes used. All the GEDCOM specs are available on GEDCOM.io. When I loaded my file, I did get the sources I had on my Ancestry family tree.I am surprised that an Ancestral Quest file did not upload all the sources. I also wonder if it was a setting when you created the GEDCOM file from AQ.
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The Gedcom import service supports all versions of Gedcom file format prior to, but not yet including, Gedcom 7.
There is an engineer actively working on reviewing any reported issues with notes. I'll call you to get the Gedcom file and the URL from the top of your tree details page which will empower him to track down any issues-Robert