GEDCOM data not uploaded correctly - address required?
Hi! I imported my GEDCOM file but it showed 33 errors due to profiles of living people not having their residence info and even though I reviewed all of them the error is still showing. The strange part is that a lot of the living profiles on my tree don't have an address but the error only showed up for some of them. Will this eventually be fixed? Why is this information even required to begin with? Thanks!
If it is the same problem that showed up when I uploaded a GEDCOM, it comes not from a residence that is missing, but a note that has transferred to a residence field as part of the way the GEDCOM is parsed.
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Hi @Áine Ní Donnghaile! I checked and that's not what happened in my case. Some living people don't even have any notes but they are on the error list. Were you able to remove that alert? I have marked all as reviewed but it still shows to me, very annoying.
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@Mateus Seixas Thank you for agreeing to test the early release of CET. Would you please give me more specific information: operating system, browser, and the PID of one of the living tree members without the message with no residence and the PID of one one of the living members of your tree with the error message still showing after review? Thank you, again.
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@Mateus Seixas FamilySearch requires a place in the "residence" field. You will have to enter that manually. Please tell us what software you were using to create your GEDCOM file. Am I correct in understanding that in the 3rd party software, these specific persons had no comments, notes, etc. attached to them?
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Hi @Tomie K. Avant so sorry for taking this long to answer!
As for the first message, I use Windows 11 and Firefox, this is the PID of someone with the error (G1KH-CXM), this PID I added a residence but the error message is still showing (G1K4-8G3) and this isn't shown on the error list but there was no residence info before (G1K4-QN8).
I imported the GEDCOM file from my tree on MyHeritage and I don't usually add residence info on all the living relatives, just the ones closer to me (siblings, parents, 1st cousins etc).
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@Mateus Seixas Thank you. I will pass that information on to our engineers.