Import File Limitations?
Scanned thru what's available in the Community and elsewhere but didn't come up with an answer…. Are there any file size limits or maximum number of individuals when importing into CET? Seems like there was one for importing files that I saw several years ago
I imported 2 GEDCOMS - one with about 300 people and one with about 17,000 people. Both worked well.
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@Mark McKenzie_1 Thank you very much for your feedback. Do you have a specific upload that you are asking about or is this a general question? Please see @Always Strange comment above. If you have a specific file or issue, please let us know. Thank you, again.
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@Tomie K. Avant More of a general question. I'll go ahead with file I want and see what happens. Then get back if there's any issue… Thanks
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@Mark McKenzie_1 Thank you again for using Community. Please add to this discussion if you do encounter any specific issues.
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@Tomie K. Avant Tried my 'large' tree GED file which came in at 157MB and the upload failed to even start. Tried again with a smaller one, 220KB and it went fine. One other GED at 116MB which did upload. That one took a long time to 'process', but once done there were no profiles generated
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@mynameistk Thought I'd give GED upload another go with my large files. To begin with I deleted my 'old' CETs then started anew with my originally attempted file.
For the really big one [157MB]…. This time the file uploaded [as I'm able to 'monitor' my internet data up/down activity] which was further than I got last time when it wouldn't do anything. Sat quite a while on the following screen
The following looked promising…
OH… so close! I'll leave this 'failed' tree as one of my CETs in case someone wants to take a look
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@Mark McKenzie_1 Thank you for the additional information. I have passed this new information on to the engineers.
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I don't think you received direct answers to the implemented limits you asked about. Here are a few:
Max size of uploaded Gedcom: 300MB (Increased recently based on user feedback)
# of Allowed Tree Persons: No limit. We've had trees >half a million w/o problems
# of CETs a single user may own or be part of: 10 (This may increase based on user needs - give feedback)-Robert