Problem with multiple parties on the same CET

I deleted my original uploaded family tree from Ancestry. I couldn't upload the same family tree from Ancestry because it was not recognized as a GEDCOM file. I then uploaded a recognized family tree from a RootsMagic GEDCOM file. Meanwhile, my wife Ann had not deleted her copy of the original family tree from Ancestry. So now, she doesn't have her tree anymore. She is writing a new discussion but the issue is that she no longer has a CET and is in the same problem I had with trying to upload another GEDCOM. Ideally, it would work for her to have her own tree. This gets into the fact that despite the rule in the FamilySearch Family Tree that spouses have separate trees and cannot see the other spouse's tree. My own part of the FamilySearch Family Tree has all my wife's work because we were one of the very first people in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Now, there is another issue with the Family Tree Groups that Ann is posting.
@James Tanner - We would love to look into why your Ancestry GEDCOM file was not recognized as a GEDCOM file. Would you be willing to work with @Robert Kehrer to get us a copy of your Ancestry file so we can determine the issue?
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As always, yes, that is why I am helping. However, I didn't think fast enough and didn't keep the Ancestry GEDCOM. I tried, just now, to download another GEDCOM copy from Ancestry and I opened it in LibreOffice and it seems to be OK. I could delete the CET file I uploaded from a Roots Magic file to see if this one works. If it does I am thinking that the Ancestry download was simply flawed for some reason. Let me know if you want me to try and load this second Ancestry file.
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We would like you to start with the best most complete and accurate tree possible. If the new Gedcom export from Ancestry has your best research, please feel free to upload it as your new starting tree. If you have any upload problems let us know.
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I deleted the RootsMagic GEDCOM Family Tree that seemed to be working properly. I then tried to upload a newly downloaded GEDCOM file from I could tell it was not working because it said it was done uploading after just a few seconds. I got the same error message I got with the last Ancestry GEDCOM File. I am sending Robert a screenshot of the error message by email. I also tried opening the file using LibreOffice and it opened up immediately. I am sending the copy of the GEDCOM from Ancestry also to Robert. I looked at the header and didn't see anything unusual. I saved the GEDCOM out of LibreOffice as a .txt file and tried to upload it again. I got the same error message. I changed the extension to a .ged and got the same error message. I then reloaded a RootsMagic GEDCOM. Any additional ideas?
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@James Tanner - Thank you. I have received the file from Robert and we will investigate.
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@James Tanner I have duplicated the error in our test system and have submitted a ticket with our engineers. Will let you know what we find.
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@James Tanner - We identified the problem in the GEDCOM file generated by Ancestry. There was an event with no type which is atypical for an Ancestry GEDCOM. We have addressed the issue and a fix will be out early next week. Thank you for your help on this project.
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@James Tanner The problem found with Ancestry GEDCOM has been fixed. You should be able to upload your GEDCOM now. Let us know if your GEDCOM uploads for you. Thank you.
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I deleted my RootsMagic GEDCOM CET and uploaded an GEDCOM family tree and it seems to work well. However, I am back to another issue. When I log in and work my way to the CET tree, I need to go back through all the steps to get to where I am working on descendancy research. If I open a tab to look at the recent history on the FamilySearch Family Tree, I am immediately looking at the FamilySearch Family Tree in both tabs. In other words, the CET is switched off and then, if I try to go back to the CET, I am back at the beginning and the work I did to get back to the relative I am working on is reset to the initial default view. I remember that I solved this problem by having opening the CET in another browser. I was initially in Chrome and so I opened in Edge. I try to go to the person I am working on who shows up in the FamilySearch Family Tree, but I get an error message saying the ID number is Unknown. I know I have the person in my family tree so I go to my Family Tree in Edge and look at the View Relationship for the person. Meanwhile back in the FamilySearch Family Tree on Chrome, I can see the person, but I now get a black bar for the person who is entirely visible that says "Person Not Found, This person does not exist, has been removed, or is restricted in FamilySearch." Meanwhile, I am looking at the View Relationship for this person in Edge and can view him without the error warning me that he can't be found. So, I clear the tab on Chrome and go back to the beginning with the View Relationship open on Edge and start working my way back to the person on the CET. The reason I do this is that I know that this person in in my family tree and I want to see if he came over in the GEDCOM file. So now I am working on the CET in Chrome and have the View Relationship open on the FamilySearch Family Tree on Edge. Now, I find that the person in my CET is different than the person in my part of the Family Tree. The person in the CET has a different ID number than the person in the FamilySearch Family Tree. The error message when I was trying to find him in the Chrome FamilySearch Family Tree does not appear. This gets more complicated when it seems that I now have two copies of the same individual with two different ID numbers and the one that has the original number has the errors messages. I will come back to this issue when I have some more time to work on it. The two individuals are John D Flewin GR5L-X48 and John Flewin GRXT-7SV.
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The issue isn't with the new ID number generated by the CET, it is that the when I continue to work on the issue I find another conflict with the way the information works or doesn't work between the FamilySearch Family Tree and CET. For example, I opened the CET to John D Flewin GR5L-X48 and then opened another window with the first window open to the CET and the new window opened to the FamilySearch Family Tree and went to the same person. Within a few seconds, the second window switched to the CET tree. I switched back to the FamilySearch Family Tree and went to recents and John D Flewin GR5L-X48 was the first entry and when I chose that entry, the tree changed back to the CET so then both trees were showing John D Flewin with the same ID number. When I go to CET Recents again and put GRXT-7SV the window immediately changes to the FamilySearch Family Tree. So you have to watch carefully to keep on the same family tree.