ID number generated by the CET not consistent

When I uploaded my GEDCOM file to the CET, there was no explanation about what I would see when the file was uploaded. One significant issue is the fact that new ID numbers are added to all the people in the CET. So now, if a person has living people in the FamilySearch Family Tree (FSFT) and has a Family Group Family Tree (the one shared with living people) and now has a CET, there are potentially three or more ID numbers for each person that show up in all three family tree uses. For example, here are my own ID numbers from all three different trees. James Leroy Tanner in the FSFT (Living) KWHH-VZV, James Leroy Tanner in the Family Group Family Tree GGJG-6TN, and James Leroy Tanner in the CET G5B4-ZZR. The ID number is often used by those working on the FSFT to differentiate duplicate individuals. For example, I may find that an individual has as many as a dozen duplicates. This is not unusual in England when there are multiple extraction records still in the FSFT. I then work on deciding which of the many duplicate entries I want to keep as the resulting person after merging all the duplicates. I usually choose the ID number of the person with the most information and sources. Now, let’s suppose I have a name in my CET and find that there are multiple duplicates in the FSFT for this individual and of course, I also have copy of this individual in my Family Group Family Tree. Now, I have three different IDs for the same person. The copy in the FSFT, the CET, and the Family Group Family Tree are duplicates but may contain different information and now I have several duplicates in the FSFT also. How do I make sure which one survives and how do I make sure the information in each tree is the same? I would have to have all three copies of the family trees open in addition to any working copies I had on my own computer. It looks like the ID number for dead people is the same between the FSFT and the FamilySearch Group Family Trees. I understand that the FSFT and CET are the same, but in going back and forth between the browsers and the open files, I have seen unique numbers generated by the CET.
Here's a little background information that we are working on messaging to deliver in as simple a method as we can.
- Family Search will have two tree solutions for users. Family Tree and CET is for those users who wish to work in a one-world community tree environment. are for users who require greater control over who they collaborate with CET
- Family Tree has 3 kinds of persons in it. 1) Deceased, who are all in the publicly editable portion of the Family Tree. 2) Living in a users private space which only the individual user can see and edit. 3) Living who are in a shared private space (Family Group) which multiple invited people can see and edit.
- Simply: Family Groups are part of the Family Tree product, they represent a shared private space for living only and they do not contain any deceased.
- CET has 2 kinds of persons. 1) Living who are viewable and editable ONLY by the owner and invited contributors. 2) Deceased, who are viewable by everyone and editable only by the owners and invited contributors. Note: We will be allowing tree owners to mark even the deceased in their tree temporarily private with a privacy setting to accommodate some very specific user needs. .
- All person IDs are unique across both tree solutions. You will never have a situation where any person in Family Tree shares an ID with a person in a CET
- There are no relationship connections between a and any other tree. (ex. a daughter in a and her father in the Family Tree.)
- The long term vision for users (we're working to get here as quickly as we can) is that they do not need to have their data in both trees. They can choose which tree system they like and work in which ever suits them.
- We are building tools that will compare their tree vs other trees, including Family Tree, and allow them to align high confidence matches and copy data between trees if they find another user's research conclusions valuable.
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To see if I understand your comment about person IDs, I understand that between the FamilySearch Family Tree and Family Group Family Trees the ID #s are the same. I also understand that the ID #s in the CET are supposed to be unique to an individual CET. I assume that if a deceased person is in more than one CET, that each tree will have that person with a unique number. This means that if I am working using the API to transfer data to a CET that Ancestry will have a challenge with the ID numbers if the same information is added from Ancestry to the an individual in the FamilySearch Family Tree and then to the same individual with a different ID number in CET. Right now, Ancestry see those as two separate individuals. So, I would be creating duplicates for everyone I have in my Ancestry Family Tree? Of course, right now, even though my GEDCOM came from a download from Ancestry, Ancestry, as yet, can't see the people in the CET. Right now, Wallace Ove Tanner KWCW-NS6 shows up when I compare that individual in my FamilySearch Family Tree and the same individual in my Ancestry family tree. I guess I don't understand how I can add information from Ancestry without doing it twice for each person assuming I am working on both the FamilySearch Family Tree and the CET at the same time I am working on the Ancestry family tree.
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A few clarifications:
1) between the FamilySearch Family Tree and Family Group Family Trees the ID #s are the same.Family Groups is a shared-private living-only feature of Family Tree. It is just like your personal private-space inside Family Tree, except that you can invite others into it to help build out the living PIDs. The reason that the IDs for the deceased are the same is that there are no deceased in a Family Group. All of the deceased are in the open-edit, or publicly editable part of Family Tree.
2) a deceased person is in more than one CET, that each tree will have that person with a unique number.Correct. Unique IDs will be true across all of the tree collections on FamilySearch. There should never be a time where a person in the Family Tree collection or any other tree on the system has the same ID as any person in any other tree.
3) using the API to transfer data to a CET
I confirmed that the API integration does work. I was able to go to Ancestry, Click the top right Family Search logo, and connect my Ancestry Tree person to the corresponding person in my CET, move data from Ancestry into my CET and have it show up in the person changelog. However, Ancestry's current UX does not allow connecting a single Ancestry person to multiple people at FamilySearch.
The only way I could make it work, as you noted, was to disconnect the Ancestry tree person from one FS PID and then connect it to the other PID.
The goal we are working toward is to obviate this problem by building this new system in such a way that you do not need to work in both trees. You can choose whichever one (one-world community, to owned CET and do all your work in the one you prefer.