No Recent History or Possible Matches on Source Linker. Unable to find by name.
When attaching a source to a profile, "History List" or "Possible Matches" doesn't display any history or matches. (See screenshot below).
Also, if you jus type in a name in the box, you can't click "search", it says "Please enter a valid ID to select".
Question. Is the CET Source Linker shared with the FST Source Linker? Because on the CET Source Linker, The navigation switches back to the FST side of things as opposed to it being consistently CET until you "Switch out" of it?
You have a couple items here.
Navigation: Yes you are correct. some of our work-in-progress is to clean up our navigation menus. There are a couple key places.
1) The top level navigation (next to the FamilySearch logo in the top left) currently says "Family Tree" As CETs roll out as a second tree offering along side Family Tree, this menu will need to change to reflect the fact there there are now 2 tree offerings.
2) The sub-navigation on the second row lists the various data types that are searchable at FamilySearch. The 3rd item from the left is named "Family Tree" and currently only searches the Family Tree collection of tree data. The tree data search form that it takes you to is being modified to search multiple collections of tree data. When deployed with will search the Family Tree collection and also the CETs collection. Over time most of the collections currently under Genealogies and many new collections will appear and be searchable from the tree search form as well.
Tree Context: When you choose to work in a specific tree, the system should maintain the context of your tree throughout your work. I suspect that the situation you found yourself in in this post is related to your other post where clicking a search results takes you out of your CET context and drops you into the Family Tree context. That is a bug and will be filed. When I follow the path I believe you took ( a. search records on right side of person page, b. Click a search result row, c. click Attach to tree in bottom of slide in panel) I actually get persons from my history list and typing in a name in the "Filter by Name or enter ID:" box filters my history list to those who match what I type in. Unfortunately, since I have been taken out of my CET context the history list is from he Family Tree rather than my CET (that context bug). Likewise I expect that only person IDs from Family Tree will work if entered into that field. That fact that you did not get any history list might mean that you don't have any people in your Family Tree history list since you've been working in your CET. Is that possible?0 -
It will only populate results if I use a PID from the FST side. If I input a name or PID from the CET side, I get no results found. If I choose a record then try to attach it to a person, it will always choose the FST side. If I choose a person then attach a record, it will keep my in the CET side.
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@aprilkiskis Thank you for that clarification.