FamilySearch Account
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New email addressI recently had to change my email address, and in doing so, I have had to re-register. How do I acc…
hacked accountWhat would someone do if they cannot get into their account and they think it has been hacked?
My name and mobile # entered match an existing account.I am assisting a person to open an account but it states that the mobile number and name entered ma…
Add Password ResetForgot password, need to reset password, but there is no apparent way to do that.
Helping a brother with the correct login information, but the system tells him it is notA brother has the correct record number and birth date, but the system tells him that the two do no…
How can I stop frequent 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR loops?In the past week or so I've frequently found that when returning to a tab in my browser that's been…
How do I sign in with my email not receiving the instructions?I have tried numerous times selecting the button "forgot my password". The instructions d…
Unable to sign inThis discussion was created from comments split from: sign in.
set up a free Ancestry accountI am trying to set up a free Ancestry account, but I get this error message: Thank you for your inte
Parental permission, and how to revoke parental permission for a child's accountDear Friends at FamilySearch, For a class that I will teach, I have followed through the steps for …
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