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What instructional resources are available for Get Involved volunteer activities?Much of the help is built into the Get Involved experience. Many of the changes and features were a…Answered ✓ Announcement Closed ctr sweetie 4.5K views 62 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
How do I Participate in Get Involved?On the computer: Go to or in the FamilySearch menu bar, c…
Family ReviewThis app is a bit clunky. Every time I make a change on a record, the image zooms out to full scree…
Full Name Review ClarificationWhat do I do in the case of only having some of the name? Something like only having the first name…
como encuentro registros de Chile para indexar, ya que no me aparecen disponiblescomo encuentro registros de Chile para indexar, ya que no me aparecen disponibles
Quick Name Review--Index of namesWhen reviewing names I had an alphabetical surname index with first names listed under each surname…
Family Review, Costa RicaSince we are no longer able to communicate with Family Search directly, can someone (anyone) who ac…
Family Review, diacriticsHow do you get to diacritics menu when you're editing a record in Family Review?
about quick Name reviewIf a notary or some other official puts an abbreviation such as "Wm" for the first name o…
How to review when two different names have been indexed togetherI have run across instances of names of 2 different persons indexed together. For instance: Baker, …
What is the average contribution of active FamilySearch users?it is fun to look at my individual stats on the website. Can you provide the average contributions …
Quick Name Review - counter reset on document changeI wasn't sure where this might be best to post - so general it is for the moment. When doing the Qu…
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