Serving in Family History
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Leader and Clerk ResourcesWhat am I suppose to be able to see under Leader and Clerk Resources when I am logged in? I am a St…Answered ✓ Closed TM Wells 89 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Kaitlyn Pauley FamilySearch Center
2Indexing long listsWhen I first got involved with indexing, it was for the the 1940 US Census. It allowed us to index …
1Video department or a separate non-profit for screening videosI wanted to find out how to upload videos onto family search. I searched it in the community and ma…Active Closed Erik Leland Fillerup 245 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Erik Leland Fillerup Suggest an Idea
2serving in family historyMy name is Ron Smith, I am vice president of Milton Ulladulla Family History Society Incorporated W…
0Removal of Helper Numbers when adding someone to planner.Please reinstate the ability to add someone to the planner using the helper number. It is so much …new Closed marciaanndixon1 114 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by marciaanndixon1 General Questions