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US, Ohio—Naturalization Records, 1911–1956 [Part E] [MQ5G-T6T]If there is a stamp that says, "Date Filed" with a date included on a document to be inde…
data for academic researchI am interested in one of your collection for academic research. Who can I talk to about collabora…
Help! FICTIONAL Entries On My Tree?!Hello! I have been working on my tree for a while now, as my mother, myself and some of my siblings…
Issue with the Worlds Family TreeHello Community, I'm hoping someone can help with my issue. I have an ancestor Edward B. Sizemore…Answered ✓ Closed HofsearchCindy 1.6K views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashlee C. Family Tree
Minor problem in update with cursor in FamilySearchThe cursor focus used to go to the first blank field in a pop-up, and now it just remains on the ma…Answered Closed Kimberly Huff Streeter 53 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Rhonda Budvarson General Questions