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FS Wiki Loses 'login' stateI've found this forever and thought I'd pose here to see if it's a bug or a feature. When I login …
What is have had Family Search bookmarked for years, in the last few days when I click on the bookmark I …Answered Closed Monica Ross_1 123 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Gordon Collett General Questions
Why does /Australia/ attach itself to ?I am unable to sign in to my FamilySearch account because of the aboveAnswered Closed Geoff Fitton 182 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ChrisPetersen FamilySearch Account
IMPORTANT FEEDBACK: MRN password retrieval disappearedMy calling is a temple and family history consultant. In the past there has been an option to retr…Answered Closed TawniaJSmith 434 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Edward Williams FamilySearch Account