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2Permit external websites to open FamilySearch URLs in an <iframe>To promote FamilySearch I include links to pages on the FamilySearch website in my personal web sit…
Clear up the Existence of Personal Family Trees in FamilySearh/FamilyTreeFamilySearh has recently put out communications saying such and such about your family tree. Does t…
FamilySearch login page frozen in iOS 15 SafariI just upgraded my iPhone and iPad to iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 respectively, which also includes an upd…
Cum intru pe contul meu sus dreapta SIGN IN și se deschide o fereastră unde... 2. Completăm: Username (adică numele…Answered aureliaanavasile1 131 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dellory Matthews Română – Romanian
When I request my password I always get sent my username. Can you help please?When I request my password I always get sent my username. Can you help please?Answered ✓ Closed LilianW1 601 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by DRPGrigg FamilySearch Account
0Create an Account Help in PlaceKWR said: On the create account page, it would be useful to have an outline, listing the steps to b…