Windows 11 Home Login issue
About 4 days ago I started having a login problem with my Windows 11 PC.
I use RootsMagic 8 and 9 and it logs into FamilySearch to help update my Family Tree.
That stopped working about 5 days ago. The next day I was unable to login to from Chrome or Edge browser.
I have an iMac and everything works fine there.
On Windows Chrome and Edge when I click the SIGN IN it goes to:
That's the URL from my iMac. The login works from there.
On Windows 11 I get: Hmmm... can't reach this page
How do I fix this?
Best Answer
I was using OpenDNS to stop pornography. I switched to Google DSN and everything is working again.
Changing to Google DSN fixed things.
Have you tried to clear cache cookies on the Apple IMAC hear are the instruction on how to clear the cache, cookies from the Apple IMAC to hear is the URL this for the Apple IMAC. For windows 11 hear is the URL,and%20then%20select%20Clear%20now. windows 11 Plus make sure your windows 11 has the latest updates to make sure you have the latest Virus Protection on the windows 11 Desktop or laptop to. But however Apple have there very own Virus Protection which is pre built inside the system so you don't need to use virus Protection on the Apple devices because Apple have there own version of the virus Protection and its all pre built inside the machine to. So the only thing you can do is to clear the cache, the cookies to on apple IMAC plus on windows 11 it the same way to but it have different layout to on windows 11 to. I hope this help you out to and solve the issue for you to.
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if you still get more issues then you can try and restart the Apple IMAC by holding the button on the back of the Monitor hold in for 30 seconds then it turn off then leave for couple mins to settle down then want the 30 seconds then restart the machine to that way it clear what ever has caused the issue to I hope this help you out to.
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It was a DNS Server issue. I opened a problem with Cisco OPENDNS.
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Thank you for let me know.