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Document dump...Document dump...One of my second cousins just texted me quite a few photos of family documents and…
Tagging. 1. When tagging persons with the same name - is it wise to add their birth year to make arTagging. 1. When tagging persons with the same name - is it wise to add their birth year to make a…Answered ✓ Closed alancmasson1.5688555225126316E12 161 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Brett .
community.familysearch.orgcommunity.familysearch.orgFamilySearch Memories / Albums How to process items in large batches.…
-"Not Yet Tagged" ??? How many of you have uploaded many items to…
How do I add photo to a personHow do I add photo to a person
I've tried to upload several images of documents to my account and each time it says they've alreadyI've tried to upload several images of documents to my account and each time it says they've alread…
jpg or png for docsjpg or png for docs
Can I add a pdf with comments?Can I add a pdf with comments?I have compared DNA matches and have an evidence-based opinion on who…
I have uploaded a lot of photos and memories and have attached 68 to myself. For some reason I usedI have uploaded a lot of photos and memories and have attached 68 to myself. For some reason I use…
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