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Should I scan and upload old pedigree charts into FamilySearch?My grandmother did lots of genealogy back between 1960-1980. I believe she submitted them all to t…
¿Puedo subir vídeos a Recuerdos de FamilySearch ?Me gustaría saber si puedo subir vídeos y en qué formato puedo hacerlo. ?️?️Answered ✓ Closed Claudia Hernández Barahona 331 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Fernandez Herran
Can I save video with music on FamilySearch?As part of my father's memorial, we did a 28-minute digital slide show of his life, with music in t…
MemoriesI am wondering how and why some of the photos I posted on Facebook ended up in the Memories/Gallery…
www.familysearch.orgFINDING FS MEMORIES ITEMS UPLOADED BY OTHERS Many of you know how to upload photos / documents …
What is the best way to convert cassette tapes or VHS to digital? I had a company locally wanting toWhat is the best way to convert cassette tapes or VHS to digital? I had a company locally wanting t…
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