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What happens to documents and pictures in my Gallery, under Memories, when I die? I have more than 9>What happens to documents and pictures in my Gallery, under Memories, when I die? I have more t…Answered ✓ Closed cave481.5619478420903508E12 552 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Dennis J Yancey
copy a memory to another personcopy a memory to another person
A red exclamation mark remains after tagging photo, how do I get rid of itA red exclamation mark remains after tagging photo, how do I get rid of itI have tagged photos, som…
how to put a picture in family treehow to put a picture in family treehow to put a picture in family tree
Where on the mobile app can I go to find out who around me I am related to?I am planning a high school reunion and we thought it would be a fun activity to discover how every…
How do you remove a photo from just one person and not have it completly removed?How do you remove a photo ( posted in error) from just one person and not have it completly removed…
Sort picturesI have uploaded several pictures of my husband and my self, but I would like to have them in order …
Answered Closed loricummings111.5322708986310784E12 321 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Cindy Hecker
Adding Audio RecordingWhat is the time limit on an audio recording? Also, are there any instructions on audio recording …
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