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Does anyone know what becomes of 'private' memories when the owner or submitter passes away? Do theDoes anyone know what becomes of 'private' memories when the owner or submitter passes away? Do th…
Burial rituals/traditionsBurial rituals/traditionsI realize that not all faiths/denominations/religions/traditions follow Ch…
How do I add pics to each person?How do I add pics to each person?Answered ✓ Closed Hannalore Jodee Mann-Burnett 191 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Hannalore Jodee Mann-Burnett
I don't understand why you want to show me stuff. I already have more accurate data.Frederick Pratt Nielson said: You've sent me a connection to Frihoff Brigham Nielson born in Augus…
Can multiple pages be added on Memories ?Can multiple pages be added on Memories ?I'm asking for someone in my ward. She has a history of h…
Thumbnail is showing blank in "Memories." What did I do wrong? When I click on Thumbnail it showsDon M Thomas said: Here is a link to Andrew Jackson Thompson - L7F8-CRY https://www.familyse…
how do I get my family photos on android tablet on gallery to memories on family search? Jannyhow do I get my family photos on android tablet on gallery to memories on family search? Janny
I have a photo of my great uncle Piotr Bieda, there are hand written notes on the back. I will attacI have a photo of my great uncle Piotr Bieda, there are hand written notes on the back. I will atta…Answered ✓ Closed User15993608452159520537 211 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User15993608452159520537
Select from gallery feature for documents.Select from gallery feature for documents.Clicking this button wont load any previous documents to …
Are administrators having a problem? Site seems not to work. I've made several attempts to upload aAre administrators having a problem? Site seems not to work. I've made several attempts to upload a…
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