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Discussion List
How to add Memories when the record is read only?My great grand father's record is locked - read only. I seek to add some newspaper clipppings to hi…
TIP: Joining multiple image items into ONE single file for upload to FS MEMORIESMany people (using FS MEMORIES) are under the assumption that each individual scan/photo they have …
WW II ActivityWhen I look in Activities there is a topic...See your relative that served in WW II. I would like …
Stories that are cut off.The stories I have attached to my family records are only showing the first few words and look like…
To be released: family groups shared info for the living, shared memoriesI have some personal stories, journals, etc. that contain names of living people, that could be use…
Is there a list of common tags for adding memories?I don't know what tags would be the most helpful
Can I create an album-like container in my Grandmother's Memories page?I understand that I can organize various types of media in an album in my gallery that is associate…
Is it possible to link an 'album' to an individual so that it appears in their memories page?I posted abt 400 letters written by an ancestor in an album so entitled. I would like to link just…
New FamilySearch pageWhen I look at Memories on the old FamilySearch page there are three categories: Photos, Documents,…
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