Who can view Memory items for living people?
The Help article titled “Who can view the items uploaded in Memories for living people?” states If a tag is attached to a living person in Family Tree, the tag is shown only to users who can see that living person in Family Tree. If, however, the tag contains the name of a living person, but the tag is not attached to that living person in Family Tree, then the tag is visible to everyone who sees the memory."
According to this article, those memory items that I attach that are only linked to myself should only be able to be viewed by myself, whether they are marked Public or Private.
However, if I leave the memory item as Public and tagged only to me and use the Memories Find feature it will find all those memories.
At one time the Memories Find would search and only show items that did not include a tag to a living person.
By having to mark my personal memory items as Private they won't show after my account is marked deceased and that defeats the purpose to share those important life memories with my descendants.
How can I save these memories so they don't show now but will show after my death?
Thank you for contacting the Family Search Support Team. Thank you for your question. Who can view memory items for a living person?
The person who created the record for the living person is the only one who can view them.
You can make the memories private so only you can view them.
The memories are private at this time but when you pass away then the memories will remain in our database but they can be found easily.
There are knowledge articles.
If you need any more information please contact us again