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Suggest an Idea backlogIt is good to see Ideas flowing again. Will items submitted during the maintenance period be coming…
How can an individual research their bloodlineHow can an individual research their natural bloodline when her birth mother is not helpful. Her gr…Answered ✓ William Lloyd Peterson 52 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by William Lloyd Peterson
Auto Fill in Records Search ResultsWhen you click on Search Records 'FamilySearch' it brings up the Records tab with a search query pa…
Ai Cursive ReaderIt would be nice to have a tool that allows us to take a screen shot or upload a photo of cursive t…
Is the labs experiment "down" now?Is the labs experiment "down" now?
Why is the mail function not working in is the mail function (the white mail letter tag in the top right corner) not working in FamilyS…
YouTube playlists for FamilySearch are GONE... Can they be restored???Last week I bookmarked 108 FamilySearch tutorial playlists on YouTube. This week all of those play…
LanguageToday I have a language error … I do work with german language. Sine the early afternoon it is all …
When will the FamilySearch Wiki be open to outside editors?I started editing the FamilySearch Research Wiki within two weeks of when it was introduced. I help…
FamilySEarch Messaging with url-linksThe messaging feature of FamilySearch is a nice thing :-) ( Chats) < not to be confused with …
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