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Download CapabilityI am currently entering data into my Family Tree Maker file. Is it possible to import any of the in…
Who do we report spam/scams/phishing to?This popped up in my FamilySearch Chat today: Good day, I am writing to you today with an exciting …
"Shopping list" responseWhen inquiring to a person who inputted a fake lineage, I eventually got this response: "You …
How do I get my personal history uploaded to FS?Does anyone know how I would go about getting a personal history uploaded to the FS Catalog? I can…
Session time-out error when trying to printI keep getting the following message when trying to print using the MS Edge browser: Your session …
Wrong parents added to a person in my familyHow can I get the incorrect parents removed from my 2nd great grandmother? This has caused incorrec…
Need To Change Relationship in Read OnlyI am listed as one of my grandmother Erma Taysom's KWCC-HPR children . Please remove me from her ch…
On my computer, the strip message on the right-hand side does not move down so that I can volunteerto participate in your request to make comments about specific help features on FamilySearch.
Can't paste or uploade images on FamilySearch Community PostFor some reason, I can no longer attatch images on Community post. When I try to do so, it says I n…
Was there a law against middle names in England?I have come across a few instances in the tree where middle names were removed because "Middle…
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