Mobile browsers: Search -> Search -> broken format (for a few years)
Using an Android mobile browser:
3 Dot→Search Records→Family Search→(in search window) Click magnifying glass/Search:
What happens 60%-100% of the time: The bottom bar with Search & Reset buttons is gone and I can't scroll up or down more than ~5%.
Sometimes I try tabbing thru fields. If I get far enough, the window janks up a bit but still won't scroll.
To change my search parameters, I have to turn on screen-rotation and rotate my phone to landscape. The Search Button then appears to the left of the search boxes and scrolling mostly works again. It's not great but it's kind of usable.
If I return to portrait, the search window returns to the previous broken state.
This issue is so old I can't remember a before time. It's been persistent across 4 Android handsets and at least 7 mobile browsers, both Chromium & Firefox based. I think Vivaldi and Brave too, whatever they're built on.
Presently, it's happening on Android 12, Moto G100, Firefox and Kiwi (Chromium).
My question: Can this be fixed?
The best solution I can suggest is this: (mobile browser) 3 dot @→ view desktop site. This enables you to view the entire page and pinch to zoom +- to read search results (if needed). The site should also auto-focus on the input boxes when selected.
Hope this helps!