Browser issue
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Mobile browsers: Search -> Search -> broken format (for a few years)Using an Android mobile browser: 3 Dot→Search Records→Family Search→(in search window) Click magni…Answered Closed No one in particular 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by AshleyPaxton General Questions
Research Help did not update properlyI was working on an individual in the family tree. Then, I got backward in my browser history to wo…
FS no longer working with SafariI use FS daily. Issues began yesterday, March 24. I updated my Safari to the latest version thinkin…
Why can't I edit Parent-child relationships any more (only in Firefox)?It seems I cannot edit parent-child relationships any more, at least in recent versions of Firefox.…
Best way to inform FS software engineers / IT professionals of a widespread issue?Can't seem to locate an email address for FS technical people. (Chat is down today, 29-Sept, at 10…Answered Closed Ryan W. Noyes 781 views 13 comments 1 point Most recent by Re Searching General Questions
1Root certificate expiry issues need a Help Center document?While discussing an interesting issue with FamilySearch Feedback with @LDS Search Test I learned th…
1Cookies and Browser translation don't mix well in Community (mobile)I am noticing 'problems' with the way mobile Community handles Browser translation from one languag…
FamilySearch - Can't get into it.I am having trouble getting into FamilySearch. I keep getting a message that says my browser is not…