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If I upload a photo or document that lists multiple ancestors, how do I connect that to each one, wiAlternatively, how can a create a "source" from a photo or document, which can them be li…
When I am in memories and click the blue label like previous or next 1 times , then it freeze.What can I do to fix this.? It doesn't work even if I go completely out and come back in. It somet…
deleting picturesHow can you delete duplicate pictures from memories? I have a sweet distant cousin who has added pi…
DOCUMENT ERROR / QuestionI've located a deceased family member's info on, however, the uploaded death certi…
How do I remove incorrect photos from memories albumThis discussion was created from comments split from: How to remove a memory.
Read Only PID LJLQ-WRC needs immigration doc attachedFranklin is heavily involved with printing with HE Luther for Sauer's native german Bible for the M…
Read only PID KWJH-CWG needs HC minutes attachedIt's a lighter moment in the High Council at Pottawatamie where Bro. Benson reports in on the state…
Is there a way to move and entire Album under Memories to a disc or thumbdrive?I have processed several hundred photos in Memories so that they have a Title, caption, date and ar…
Pennsylvania Dutch Ancestors? Know what FRAKTUR Is?How many of you have Pennsylvania Dutch ancestors?? (which, by the way, are not Dutch) Background: …
changing copyright protection so book can be viewed on Family SearchMy grandmother wrote several books that contain genealogy information that new generations of our f…
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