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Discussion List
New uploading process for Memories in FamilySearch!FamilySearch has updated the process for uploading Memories in the FamilySearch Tree. Users will n…
I add a photo to a persons memory, but it won't let me make the photo their profile pictureFrom my phone I add a photo to a persons memory, but it won't let me make that photo their profile …
Where is the book I uploaded??I scanned my grandfather's biography on Adobe and saved as a PDF. I uploaded it from my phone to fa…
Memories with a "Unable to Display Image message."Hi, Family Search Support has seen the problem by going to my example and suggest me to here so t…
Need to change a tagged memory.There is a memory for IstvanSteve Zsiros that is a 1920 photo - Istva ID No. 2FgH-YZL - for some re…
Memories restrictedMany of my ancestors are restricted. What am I doing wrong?
Memory is restricted, why?Several or my Memories are restricted and I don't understand why. Many are ancestors without Memori…
Copyright Memories SubmissionsI am having issues with Family Search restricting Memories submissions. Before I ever…
Need help on restricted documentI have again tried to post a family history document. In December it was restricted because there …
Can't add a story in Memories.This morning, I Can't add a story in Memories. I am on the person page for an ancestor, and click …
Tag Name now includes a numberHello. I have noticed today that my tag name now includes a number to the right. It looks like thi…
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