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Uploading PhotosAllow the ability to drag and drop photos in any place the same as with a Portrait. Problem: If yo…
Is there a way to make the tags not show?First, I really appreciate the improvements that have been made for tagging people in a Memory imag…
Photos entered to a record's memories only show on entering deviceAdded photos to memories on a person's record using iPhone. Added a label to the photos. After comp…
Sequence of uploaing of memories is reversedBecause living, you can not see the memories. Picture; I uploaded 25 chapters of my wives history…
KWHF-LM8 Scott Clark memoriesI see a “RESTRICTED” notice on a memory posted on KWHF-LM8. I am not aware of the reason for restri…
Tagging photos of my deceased father, name displayed when hover over photo is my living brother?I have added and tagged many photos of my deceased father with no problem (Arlo John Hafen, KWCR-Y6…Answered Closed jill hafen peterson1 43 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by jill hafen peterson1
Elisha Averett KWJJ-RFHCould someone please tell me what happened to all of the Memories on Elisha's record? He's my 2nd …
I would like to attach some photos of my ancestorsi enjoyed researching my ancestors and the time line they have lived.
404 error messageStarting about a week ago the copy link for a memory no longer works. also the number of memories i…
my memoriesIf I put memories on my own page and/or the pages of living family members in FamilySearch, and I d…
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