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Discussion List
Restricted uploadI received an email that a photo I uploaded of my grandfather was restricted and I’d like to know w…
Adding to a StoryHi, I recently contributed a story on FS for one of my ancestors. Today, I wanting to add to that s…
Family Tree Stories in MemoriesWny isn't the save or submit feature working in memories for stories. I started a story some month…
Size and use of your photo collage creater.I love your photo collage creator, however, I need 8 1/2" wide by 11" high size for my hu…
Handwriting to TextI have lots of letters that are hand written and I am wondering if there a way to upload a pdf that…
How do I notify that someone has attached a photo that is incorrect.The photo they say is of Wm Knox Bell . This is a picture of my Grandfather - not Bell and I have a…
A wedding that never took placeA member in our ward noticed that a relative shows a wedding incorrectly that never took place.
Problems with the Memories pageWhen the Memories page is displayed in tab(A) it shows a collection of single memories. [I'm using …
Are engineers aware that the new version does not accept diacritics in tags?When typing a name to tag a memory to a person, if the name includes a diacritic (e.g., Müller), it…
Accessing a single memory on the Memories pageNow (May 9th) can't access a single memory via 'open in a new Tab'. Can that be restored? Accessin…
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