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reviewing questionWhen reviewing New York Eastern district, Naturalization records, and an Oath of Allegiance is mark…
New York natralization recordsI have found several documents where there are two numbers some times three on the right top sid…
NY Naturalization records Could someone please check image 2 and correct me orconfirm that I put the name correctly? I am not familiar with Italian names, so I'm uncertain as to…
RHODESIA VOTER REGISTRATION PROJECTNot a question, but more just out of concern about the rubbish being published that is created by i…
tract booksIf the same name is listed multiple times on a page with different dates of sale - do I index the s…
Petition for naturalization for child there is info on both parents. Should I index only the child.
Image 1 has a Certificate of Arrival on top of Petition of Naturalization. I am going toindex the COA. These directions say "When combining information from multiple documents on the…
US New York Naturalizations . Can someone please confirm that I have indexed thenames on these 2 images correctly? It makes reference to a prior marriage (under birth of children)…
While conducting reviewing, Marriage Records are showing up in the Birth Records BatchToday, while reviewing the US, Virginia—Birth Records, 1853–1896 [MQ7Z-84D], I found a page of Marr…
Can someone please confirm that this batch is indexed correctly? Specifically thename and record date on image 2.…
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