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Naturalization Help: Both Pages Belong to the Same DocumentI was indexing, and noticed that this document- [MQHN-911] - and both pages belong to the same form…
1772 English Marriage Register with only surnames listedOn this page hundreds of pairs of surnames are listed only. For example: Newman & Harris. 10th…
South Africa—Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660–1970 [Part D] [M3F2-RBY]When the Vanner Angekom column for a record is blank, do we mark the date "blank" or do w…
Extra information that is lost, is there a way to add it?Perhaps I am repeating the doubt form another member, or perhaps I should refer to a specific group…
What does "Do" indicate when used instead of a name or place?I am indexing live births in Virginia during 1855 in which the clerk who did the recording often us…Answered ✓ Closed patrickseancollins1 91 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by patrickseancollins1
US, Oklahoma, Pawnee County—School Census, 1897–1968I am indexing, US, Oklahoma, Pawnee County—School Census, 1897–1968. I have a question about examp…
How would I find the Mortgagors' names and company name?How would I find the Mortgagors' names and company name?…
Do I index the Missouri Naturalization record if they show District of Nebraska?
Should I put the location in the Event City field or the Event County field?US—Bureau of Land Management Tract Books, 1800–1955 [Part F]…
Duplicate image-US, New York—Eastern District Naturalization Records, 1906–1957 [Part A] [MQHF-955]When I click to mark this as a duplicate image, the field opens a suggestion (Image 1 (Duplicate Im…
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