FamilySearch Account
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Discussion List
Log in support neededI'm trying to help an Elderly Sister log into her FamilySearch account, she has been less active fo…
Problem signing into AncestryThis discussion was created from comments split from: Partner Account with Ancestry.
How to recover my child's FamilySearch account informationCan you please update the knowledge article entitled, How to recover my child's FamilySearch accoun…Answered ✓ Closed Bowers SharonMarchant1 72 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rhonda Budvarson
Change login methodI set Facebook as my login method, but sometimes this doesn't appear as an option when I open the w…
Is there a Layout Settings in the work for the dashboard page?The Details page has a Layout Settings which allows the user to choose between single and double co…
FamilySearch Email Blocked From SeeingWhen I see an email from FamilySearch that I have a relative ready for a Temple ordinance, I see th…
Login failure from MacFamilyTree v10Hi I have been using FamilySearch through MacFamilyTree with great success. My web login still work…
I get an Error message i do not know how to fix.My friend is trying to do the endowment work for her deceased brother that died over a year ago. S…
Double Column option in My Layout Settings doesn't work now...On the Details page, Family Members - Double Column option doesn't work. Spouses and Children …
FamilySearch Family Tree Changes and CorrectionsA question has arisen within my local genealogy community. If a family relationship is sealed in a…
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