Conflicting password rule info
I was preparing some instruction materials for creating an account and found the following conflicts in information needed for passwords (emphasized in bold).
Currently, when you click on create an account, under the box for password it says "Choose a strong password of at least 8 characters, including spaces."
I knew there were other requirements from helping others and did a search for "password rules" resulting in the following which say spaces are not allowed. I didn't want to change my password to see if spaces are allowed or not, but one or the other of these instructions needs to be updated!
•Your password must contain between 8 and 128 characters (at least one letter and at least one number), but cannot contain spaces.
•To make your password more secure, use a combination of lowercase, uppercase, and numerical characters.
•Your password can contain one or more symbols.
•The password field is case-sensitive.
•Passwords cannot contain any character string identical to either the first or last name on the account. For example, if the name on the account is John Doe, neither John nor Doe can be used in the password.
•Make your password easy for you to remember, but difficult for someone else to guess. For example: 2018#MyNameIsCharlie. The longer your password phrase is, the harder it is for password crackers to resolve.
•The system notifies you if your password is too simple so that you can strengthen it.
This article may be useful:
Good luck.