FamilySearch Account
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Quote SettingsI have a question about “Quote Settings.” When: • I Click on my personal icon. • In the pop-up I cl…
When Editing Addresses in FS Settings it won't saveWhen I try to save my changes, It says the Country is a required field but it is not editable and …
Slow updatingHi My father just recently passed away and in his effects we found his log in for the site so I wa…
Recuperar la cuenta de mi papáMi padre falleció el 23 de junio de este año, él trabajo mucho en su historia familiar y por lo tan…Answered Closed Belén Elizabeth Ortiz Gallegos 551 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Belén Elizabeth Ortiz Gallegos
I seem to have two accounts. I only want one. How to delete one of the twoI seem to have two accounts. Different sign in. I only want one. How to delete one of the two
How to cancel account and get a refundI paid for a year subscription, but now would like to cancel the subscription. Something in expecte…
How old do you need to be to have a family search account?How old do you need to be to have a family search account?
Name update and other updatesI am divorced from my spouse and went into my FamilySearch profile to change my name. I can update …
Accidentally erased old email address from Family Search accountWhile trying to add my church membership number to my Family Search account, I inadvertently erased…
I have forgotten my Ancestry password, and each time I attempt to enter Ancestry, they want $$$Can you help? They say that I established my account through Family search and only Family search …
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