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How may I change a data entry record to show death record and not marriage record.Hello. I have a batch that working on is marriages from Peru. However, there is one record that is …
i have indexed 2 enteries to 2 imagesnow i can not get it to submit. that is/the submit batch is there but greyed out (will not do anyth…
California Naturalization MQXB-47XThe examples in WHAT TO INDEX show that we should type "County Cork." I thought "Cou…
Is full name review in the get involved app?I can see the quick name review in the get involved app but do not see an option to do full name re…
Year field corrected by handI'm indexing a Declaration of Intention record, US, Michigan—Naturalization Records, 1887–1943[MQFC…Answered ✓ Robin Beer VanderRoest 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Robin Beer VanderRoest
Combing info from 2 entriesI am working on California naturalization records. Am I suppose to combine the info for petition fo…
How do I submit the completed record?I filled out all the blanks. How to I complete the record?
Chinese namesWhen indexing Chinese names, should I put the first name in the surname box, as they put their surn…
why does it not allow me to submit batches?instructions say to not enter gender by name assumptions so I leave gender blank...even though gend…
When indexing a name changeWhen indexing a name change, do you put their name that they were given at birth or the one they le…
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