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When indexing a name changeWhen indexing a name change, do you put their name that they were given at birth or the one they le…
Haïti, Port-au-Prince—Registres de l'Église catholique, 1866–2017[M3CD-1NV]I am reviewing the Registres de l'Église catholique and I am not too sure if the baptism informatio…
How can I find out if my indexing has been accurate?I'm a noob and for quality control purposes, that is, so I can improve in the future, I would like …
Sent in a batch with a mistake - can I get it back?When reviewing my finger slipped on the enter key as I was changing an entry and instead of fixing …
South Africa, Western Cape—Deceased Estate Files, 1951–2011 [Part C]Re: 102645782_00474 MQXQ-WGM Please advise. On point number 17 on the record there are four pers…
are we reeeaaally sure that these are both given names?So I'm working on the project "Zimbabwe, Chinhoyi—Church Records, 1912–2022" and I think …
Request for change of nameWhen there is a request for a change of name on a Petition for Naturalization, do I create a second…
Can you watch out for this guyMicronesia—Registros vitales, 1890–1986 [Parte C][M3YM-JZD] Batch has three faint baptism records. …
Right to left pages do not match in this batch - is returning the batch the correct approach?Guest reviewing South Africa—Dutch Reformed Church Registers, 1660–1970 [Part F][MQS7-146]. The lef…
do I still index an oath of allegiance with no name?in the California naturalization records, I found a oath of allegiance with only this information. …
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