Family Tree
Ask about the worldwide, community family tree.
Discussion List
How can i add more spouses, my great grandfathers both had more than one wifeHow can i add more spouses, my great grandfathers both had more than one wife
I have been given a family history that a researcher in the Ukraine says is my family. How can I veI have been given a family history that a researcher in the Ukraine says is my family. How can I ve
Please remove this person, it's a duplicate: 9WSZ-JLLPlease remove this person, it's a duplicate: 9WSZ-JLL
My sister's birthdate is incorrect because the Census record was recorded incorrectlyMy sister's birthdate is incorrect because the Census record was recorded incorrectly
Help unmergeI merged two people I thought were the same but they are not. I only have one of their ID numbers,…
How can I find a list of ancestors in my family tree pedigree?How can I find a list of ancestors in my family tree pedigree?
Detangling profiles?At what point do you give up trying to return profiles to their originally intended persona and jus…
Why does Family Tree insist on Male or Female being specified for individuals in Public accounts?I understand the issue regarding ordinances, but should users be instructed to specify whether an i…
Question about FamilySearch Code of Conduct with Family Tree dataOne of the FamilySearch user has approached me about an issue with her Family Tree data being used …
How can I connect my husband's tree and mine to the same person from different common ancestors?I got an email prompt from Family Search concerning a list of famous people I might be related to. …
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