FamilySearch Center
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Can the family history library loan films to other family history centers?Hello, I have several family history centers in my area and I wondered if they are allowed to get f…
Which Family Search Centre would cover Parishes in Lacock Wiltshire England early 1800s?I have found some baptisms dating from the 1820s in Lacock (sometimes Laycock) Wiltshire Parish reg…
anyone want to pay to get our old microfilm ScanPro 2000 for spare parts?We no longer have a need for this microfilm reader since we do not have a computer that can work wi…
Description: Whom do I contact about removing the locks on microfilms #1531547-1531558This discussion was created from comments split from: Please unlock the microfilms.
SubmittersI am a director for a family history center. I received a report about submitters in our stake. I w…
Family history center computersWhat are some changes or new things now that we have windows 10 on the center computers?
FHC_Application_Finder_Deploy getting flagged as malwareAt the FHC app resources website (, FHC_Applicati…Answered Closed Kanji Takahashi 181 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ken Richins - NA FSCS Specialty Lead
descompone el trabajo y sin el menor cuidado quita y pone adescompone el trabajo y sin el menor cuidado quita y pone a su antojo registros que no corresponden…
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