Access Ancestry Institution & MyHeritage Institution from Family Tree person page

Since the update to the FamilySearch portal, our FHC is no longer able to access Ancestry Institution and MyHeritage Institution from the links on a Family Tree person page. I'm not talking about the portal itself, we can access Ancestry and MyHeritage from there. I'm referring to the links that appear on the right-hand side of a Family Tree person page (under the "search records" section, see attached screenshot). Since the update to the portal these links no longer take the user to a search results page within the institution version of Ancestry or MyHeritage, but to a sign-in page.
I have cleared cache & cookies. Our Win10 build is 21H1. I have checked for updates, but it says we have the latest update.
Any ideas on how we can fix this issue? So far, the only option we can give our patrons is to open a new browser tab, go to the FamilySearch portal, open Ancestry or MyHeritage and enter the search criteria. That's doable, but it is more time consuming.
Thanks for any help. Diane
Did you clear FamilySearch's cookies @ Pretty fast. FS creates lots of cookies and it may be clinging onto the old portal ones.
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Sis. Enders;
Yes, I included in my message that I had cleared cache and cookies. I did both the browser and also cleared it from That didn't solve the problem.
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Accessing the premium web sites is a little different now. A guest needs to open the portal and the desired premium web site before they try to access the premium web site through their personal FS account.
1. Open a browser. The Portal and FamilySearch are in the first two tabs.
2. From the Portal go to Premium Web sites. The Premium Web Sites page loads
3. Click on the web site to be used. That Premium Site loads. (Currently, this should work for
Ancestry and MyHeritage, but experiments indicate that it may work for FindMyPast.)
4. From FamilySearch (the second tab), sign in.
5. In FamilySearch, navigate to a person page.
6. From the personal page, click to search on the institution or library editions. (Note that
FindMyPast might work here as well, but only Ancestry and MyHeritage are supposed to work.)
7. Because you have logged into "Ancestry" from the Premium Websites page, when you click on
Ancestry Institutional from your account and the persons detail page you are working, it should
open another tab, which should be logged now as FamilySearch Center.
Good luck with your searching!
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Jones Sharon;
Unfortunately, that doesn't work on our FHC computers. When we open Ancestry through the portal page and then open a family Family Tree person page on another tab, clicking the "Ancestry Institution" link on the person page will open Ancestry, but it doesn't perform the search. On some computers clicking takes the user to an Ancestry sign in page. On other computers it takes the user to an Ancestry home page where you have to click on search and manually enter the search criteria.
Thank you for trying to help.
Diane Manley
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I would suggest you double check the installation of the extension. the circle needs to be green, if not click on the puzzle piece then click the pin. circle should now be green and portal access should work.
Family History Center Premium Content Browser Extension • FamilySearch
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Thank you for the suggestion, but the Chrome extension is installed and green. We are able to access Ancestry Institution and MyHeritage Institution from the portal. However, a search of Ancestry Institution and MyHeritage Institution doesn't work from the links on a Family Tree person page.
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I went through this process yesterday at our FHC.
Follow the directions as indicated by @Jones Sharon above. But once you get to step 3 in that process you will need to have the patron sign in on that portal page. Then proceed to the next step and sign in on the FamilySearch tab. Then keep proceeding in through the steps. When you are in the person page and click on Ancestry Institution for some reason it does not pull in the information from the person page, but you can enter that information and continue on.
I will send you a private message. Look for the red dot in your bell Icon.
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We have the same issue that Diane Manley described in this discussion thread. Just like Diane I have confirmed that the FHC computers are Win10 build 21H1, the Family History Center Premium Content Brower Extension is in place and active working (green dot), cleared all the cookies (, cleared the cache, and followed the steps that Sharon Jones listed.
Just like what Diane described, when I select the “Ancestry Institution” or “MyHeritage Library Edition” I get the search screen where fields are not filled in. When I select Ancestry and MyHeritage the person’s information is loaded in the search fields.
Is “Ancestry Institution” and “MyHeritage Library Edition” not able to load the person’s information selected in FamilySearch?
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happend to be a Member of the Church ... ]
[ Plus, I have been, a Staff Member, of "Family History Centres", of the Church, for many Years ... ]
Take a 'look' at this post:
Dated: 5 November 2021
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Family History Centres
FHPortal Proquest or Heritage Quest
As an aside ...
Neither, the "Ancestry Institution"; nor, the "MyHeritage Library Edition", every worked, in our "Family History Centres", of the Church, over in 'our neck of the woods'; even, prior, to the MAJOR Update/Maintenance, to the "FHC Portal", earlier this year.
And, I NOW believe, that the reason for such is, possibly twofold:
(1) our "Family History Centres", over our 'neck of the woods', are NOT located in "North America"; and/or,
.... although, the aforementioned post, is about, "ProQuest"; &, "Heritage Quest" ...
.... it is most likely that the SAME premise exists for, "Ancestry Institution"; &, "MyHeritage Library Edition" ...
(2) USA Libraries:
(a) They are all Library Editions, that pay sites share, with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in hopes, that we will want more; and, pay them for full use, instead of a Library account.
(b) If you live, in the USA, you can go to a Local Library, in your city or county; and, ask for a Library Card; as, most Libraries across the USA were/are involved.
I could be wrong; and, stand corrected, if I am ...
So ...
That Said ...
The real 'Questions' are:
Are the likes of, "Ancestry Institution" and "MyHeritage Library Edition", part of the Library Network, within the United States of America; and, therefore, UNAVAILABLE, to "Family History Centres", of the Church, outside of, the United States of America?
Or, is there an INTERNATIONAL reciprocal arrangement, with the Library Networks, in the OTHER Parts of the World, outside of, the United States of America?
Any advice of the subject, would be greatly appreciated.
'Thank You' in advance.
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A comment generally about Libraries and Library cards, and the databases which can be accessed. This will depend on the agreement with the particular Library/Library network and the database involved.
Wherever you live, if you have a municipal or higher level library such as a State Library, or a National Library, you should enquire what resources are available through your library card, and in particular what resources are available on your home computer.
You may find that resources such as Ancestry are available through your local library, perhaps only in your local library, while the resources through your State or National Library may include historical newspaper databases etc.
My local library has access to Ancestry@Library edition, which normally would only be available within the library, but for a limited time (due to covid) is available on home computers.
As an example of what is available through State/National libraries, see the FIBIS Fibiwiki page, in relation to databases helpful for research in India, other parts of Asia, Africa and the West Indies,_journals_and_directories
To my knowledge, there is no connection what so ever between library networks in the USA and Library networks elsewhere, from the point of view of reciprocal databases. It is all to do with the commercial arrangement between a database provider and a particular library system
In respect of the databases available through the FamilySearch portal, only FamilySearch can tell you whether Family History Centers in counties other than USA have access to the same databases as FHCs in the USA