FamilySearch Center
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Discussion List
FHC not on the mapMy family history center is not on the center locator map. Is that because we are temporarily clos…
Issues connecting laptops to Liahona networkWe have several patrons coming to our center who prefer to work on their own laptops for various re…
Donated books in Family History CentersPeople have donated some family history books to Family History Centers that aren't available throu…
Redditch Family History Centre numberI am trying to update the computers at Redditch FHC but I need to know the Centre number. Please …
The "Find a Family History Center and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries" mapThe above map for Nashville, Tennessee has 2 incorrect flags. The one closest to downtown is for a …
Can the family history library loan films to other family history centers?Hello, I have several family history centers in my area and I wondered if they are allowed to get f…
Which Family Search Centre would cover Parishes in Lacock Wiltshire England early 1800s?I have found some baptisms dating from the 1820s in Lacock (sometimes Laycock) Wiltshire Parish reg…
anyone want to pay to get our old microfilm ScanPro 2000 for spare parts?We no longer have a need for this microfilm reader since we do not have a computer that can work wi…
Description: Whom do I contact about removing the locks on microfilms #1531547-1531558This discussion was created from comments split from: Please unlock the microfilms.
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