Issues connecting laptops to Liahona network

We have several patrons coming to our center who prefer to work on their own laptops for various reasons or at various times. Recently we have had an issue with some of them not being able to connect to the liahona network. Their computers can find the network, and when one clicks on liahona, the computer indicates they are connected. However the guest acceptance page never popped up. So they are not connected.
We have disconnected their computer from the network and tried again with no success. We have restarted their computers and attempted to connect again with no success.
Anyone else having this issue, or have an other suggestions we might want to try.
Note- this was happening with mac computers earlier and we figured it was a mac issue. But the recent issues have been with PCs.
Best Answer
I had this happen to me recently where I was connected to Liahona, but I was never presented with the initial TOU welcome page, and therefore, I couldn't get Internet access. I corrected it by manually navigating to the welcome page where I could accept the terms and get connected.
@Tamara Stevenson - I'm not an IT person, but I think it might be worth restarting or rebooting your network.
After that, if no one has any better ideas, I suggest contacting your internet provider.
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your Tech specialist MAY have removed the checkmark on the Display Splash Page in Technology Manager.
If you contact FHC Support by phone they can check the setting remotely for you.
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@PiperWilson Thanks we will give that a try next time it happens. It doesn't happen every time so it's a little frustrating.
@Ken Richins - NAO Tech Support Lead I don't think that is the problem- it isn't occurring on all laptops, just some of them. Thanks for the suggestion.
Another consultant suggested having them change their default browser as the acceptance page might be trying to show up in another browser..... sharing this suggestion is case others have the same issue.
If we figure it out- I will post what worked....
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I have read that if people are trying to connect to restricted records not available on home computers they must do this using FamilySearch computers which have the FS portal installed, and these records are not available from a person's laptop.
Are the patrons you mention trying to connect to restricted records? If so, I believe this is not possible.
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@MaureenE123 Thanks taking time to add your suggestion. The issue is not in connecting to restricted records, but in connecting to the Liahona network in general. We are currently offering a six week basic computer class and some people are hoping to use their own device for this class.
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Many times the problem is not seeing the "I accept" message with the sign in page. If the patron does not click that you will not get into Liahona wifi.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
[ And, I have been a Staff Member, of Family History Centres", of the Church, for many Years ... ]
Just in passing ...
Spot on ...
You are absolutely correct ...
Many a time, I have had to ... 'walk Patrons, through the Process; as, that is the STEP, that they miss' ...
In fact, when I am in a real hurry, I myself, have also missed that STEP ...
Sometimes, the response, from the "Network", regarding that "Acceptance Page/Screen", is NOT immediate; and, can, in some cases, take quite a few Minutes - as such, it is more often than not, missed ...
Been there ... done that ...
I really think, in fact, humbly suggest, that what 'Kathy' has referenced MAY be the crux of the problem/issue.
Just my thoughts.
Good Luck.
I hope, that this may also help/assist, somewhat.
ps: But, all that said, I have STILL had to "Reset", the "Network", for "Family History Centre", on a number of occasions; and, there does not appear, to be any commonality; as, to WHY - there are MANY reasons.
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@KathyMiller1 That is exactly the problem- but that particular page is not showing up so they can not accept it. We have tried all of the above suggestions and nothing is working on one gentleman's computer.
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Just is passing ...
What is the "Age" of the gentleman's, either, the "Laptop"; and/or, "Operating System" & "Browser(s)"?
Are the "Versions" of the, "Operating System"; and, "Browser(s)", ALL "Up-to Date"?
[ ie. the LATEST; or, at least, the PREVIOUS, "Version" ,,, ]
We have had, Users/Patrons, come to our "Family History Centre", with really OLD "Laptops".
Some, just would not work.
Others, NEEDED an "Upgrade", of some some Parts and Firmware (rather, that buying a new "Laptop").
They worked following the "Upgrade"; and, AFTER, I helped and made sure, that the, "Operating System"; and, "Browser(s)", were ALL using the LATEST "Versions.
Whereas ...
Others, I just needed to helped and made sure, that the, "Operating System"; and, "Browser(s)", were ALL using the LATEST "Versions.
Plus ...
As, I previously, already, indicated ...
Many a time, I have had to ... 'walk Patrons, through the Process; as, that is the STEP, that they miss' ...
In fact, when I am in a real hurry, I myself, have also missed that STEP ...
Sometimes, the response, from the "Network", regarding that "Acceptance Page/Screen", is NOT immediate; and, can, in some cases, take quite a few Minutes - as such, it is more often than not, missed ...
But, all that said, I have STILL had to "Reset", the "Network", for "Family History Centre", on a number of occasions; and, there does not appear, to be any commonality; as, to WHY - there are MANY reasons.
Been there ... done that ...
Just my thoughts.
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If the Portal Extension is set up properly in the Chrome Browser and Pinned in the browser, you should see the green disk top right.
This KA:
Family History Center Premium Content Browser Extension • FamilySearch
provides a link for installation of the Extension.
When you are trying to connect to the Internet through the Liahona SSID, if you click on the notifications icon in the lower right corner, there is usually a "notification" there listed, which, when clicked provides the connection confirmation, to complete the value of access. Also, if you have a browser open when first trying to connect, the regular "accept" window will appear for clicking.
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It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
Your 'Comment', is somewhat confusing ...
As, you appear, to be referring, to the ACTUAL "Computers", of a "Family History Centre"; which, in fact, are generally 'Hardwired', to the INTERNET, for the "Family History Centre"; which, is NOT necessarily, the "Liahona" Network.
Whereas ...
This 'Post', refers to, the "Liahona" Network, for "Church" Buildings, available to all; and, the "Connection" to such, by Users/Patrons, in this case, visiting "Family History Centres" (within "Church" Buildings), with their "Laptop" Computers (and, any other "Mobile" Devices, where applicable).
Those, TWO (x2), are TOTALLY, separate; and, distinct, situations/circumstances/scenarios.
Or, am I wrong ...
IF, I am wrong; THEN, I stand corrected ...
What you reference, would appear, to have NO bearing, on the "Liahona" Network, for "Church" Buildings; and, Users/Patrons, visiting "Family History Centres" (within "Church" Buildings), with their "Laptop" Computers (and, any other "Mobile" Devices, where applicable), TRYING to "Connect" to such.
[ As, the "FHC Portal", is ONLY, for ACTUAL "Computers", of a "Family History Centre" ... ]
Just my thoughts.
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Our FHC computers are provisioned with Internet connection by Ethernet cable and our Laptops are provisioned with Internet connection in our Chapels, by the Liahona WiFi connection.
Our Laptops can only benefit from connection to the Portal in a Chapel with a FHC profile Internet setup, by way of being installed with the specific Chrome Portal Extension.
I was just referring to ways of qualifying our Liahona connection when booting up, in order to use the Portal properly.
Sorry for the confusion.
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@DavidBeck1 When you say "our laptops" I am assuming you are referring to the laptops owned by the church. I ask because my understand was that the portal was only available through the church owned computers and couldn't be accessed by patrons who bring in their own laptops. Please clarify if you would.
I am aware of how the pop up it suppose to work, but it it not on some patrons computers some times in the center. I have had the issue with my own computer for time to time- but I use a Mac and I understand the issues with compatibility sometimes. If I wait a week or two the issues disappear and a way I go.
I will try the notification option and see if it helps with the "accept" page coming up or if it only applies to the Liahona connection in relation to the portal.
Thanks! Tamara
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By the term "our laptops" I referring to our personal laptops.
If we are in a Meeting House with a Family History Centre, anyone of us can access the Portal, whilst there on our own personal laptops, having of course installed the Chrome Portal Extension.
I was using a laptop this morning in Sacrament to broadcast the service in Zoom, to those who cannot make it to the Chapel and experienced the no Internet connection situation. I found that by right-clicking the Globe (no connection icon) in the system tray of icons bottom right of the screen, was able to attempt a connection and this prompted a link in the connection window, which I clicked and which in turn opened the Church website "accept" link page. Sometimes this link is found in the notification's list but I did not see it there this morning.