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More inventions in Search resultsThis afternoon, I'm searching for an Irish death in civil death registrations. I have to cast a wid…
Informazioni su un decessoBuongiorno, vorrei sapere dove posso trovare informazioni sulla morte del mio bisnonno, avvenuta ne…
Why are some 1950 census records not availableFor instance, this link ( found in a search …
Is it possible to request for a PSA birth certificate via delivery thru need a PSA birth certificate in the Philippines. I heard that accepts online deliv…
How do I submit a correction to the catalog?I have found Chicago catholic church record images attached to the wrong church and a township labe…
Adoption research from the 1900'sTrying to discover my adopted grandfather's genetics. All I've found is the 1910 census saying he'…
Looking for information from Ortsfamilienbuch der evangelisch reformierten Gemeinde Vluyn 1674-1798I am looking for information if it is possible to find information from this book on Kocks family i…
A Census 1931 record seems incorrect?I have two issues with one record for my family. First, is there anyway to change the name that is …
Hello, can someone tell me what this means and how to research it further? Ty, in advance for your tI found this on my husband's information. We have 5 daughters and I would like to know if it had an…
Somerstown conference in 1846Where do I find the early LDS membership records of the Somerstown branch in 1846 on England?
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