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Why are places shown in some UK Census records so badly wrong ?Can somebody please explain the mechanism that translates a record sourced by a 3rd party, such as …
Image Unavailable This image is unavailable for online viewing at this time.Hello My grans wedding docs were available for years but now I get message saying Image Unavailable…
Incorrect IndexGood evening FamilySearch Community, I am trying to locate a German Lutheran Burial Record from 180…
Ciao a tutti! Una mia antenata ha un nuovo record, ma va in errore quando lo collego. Che devo fare?Ciao a tutti! Una mia antenata ha un nuovo record, ma va in errore quando lo collego. Che devo fare?
Example: when I search the catalog for Navidad, Chile it only gives the Civil Record CollectionI know that there are church records there as I saw them in the microfilms tears ago, plus there ar…Answered ✓ Jorge Octavio Reyes Jimenez 111 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Jorge Octavio Reyes Jimenez
Question about searching filmsWhat happened to the display of all the pages from a Film/Microfilm Number? It used to be easy to l…
Search for Ravnica, SloveniaRavnica is a town and parish in Slovenia. Under Austro-Hungary it was Rauniza in Küstenland. When s…
Is there any way to see WHEN a film was digitized? I am looking at film or DGS 8017487I am at the Protestant Archive in Vienna and the archivist is very interested to know the time fram…
Incorrect Information on Microfiche.Hello, 👋 I am going with an older post that says to post information on here that is in need of cor…
Cross Family Early Welsh Convert RecordsWilliam Cross , his wife Ann, and their four sons came to the US on the steamer Hope in 1842. They …
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