Norsk – Norwegian
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🛑 If you do not speak NorwegianThis area is for non-English speakers to ask for help in their native language. If you are looking …
SlektskapHei, Fikk mail fra FamilySeach 2 ganger i mars 2024 om at jeg var i slekt med det engelske kongehus…
Søke på personer i USAI går forsøkte jeg å søke etter et familiemedlem som utvandret til Minnesota USA. Det gikk ikke, ko…
In Norway is the name Targjer a boy or girl name?Is the name Targjer a boy or girl name?
Translate letter from 1892 from NorwayI have an old letter from 1892 written in Norwegian that was sent from the United States to Norway.…
Norway Seaman RecordsAre there any resources for researching and documenting deaths of Norwegian seaman either at sea or…
Missing possibility to connect a couple who are parents to an illegitim childWhat do I call the "****" between two parents of an illegitim child? None of the possibil…
Help finding a list of archives in NorwayHello, My name is Joaquin. A member from Spain. I want to contact with several archives in Norway. …
Steinar TangenJeg prøver å overføre en Gedcom fil fra Brothers Keeper til Familysearch med ca 2600 navn. Men misl…
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