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parrish vs cityis a parrish the same thing as a city of residence?
Estoy revisando un lote y se omitió una imagen que aparentemente es igualEstoy revisando un lote y se omitió una imagen que aparentemente es igualhola estoy revisnado un l…
Why can't I find lots of my country: Peru, to index?Hello, greetings to all, I am from Peru, but I live in Holland, whenever I try to index I look for …
Indexing birth recordI am working on a birth record that has 36 lines on it. It won't let me submit the batch because it…Answered ✓ Closed Denise Gail Anderson 221 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Denise Gail Anderson
Virginia death recordsI am in Virginia death records. The current one starts at #36. Do I eliminate 1-35 and start at 36?…
Doing entry in a batch someone else mostly populated - Entries are in wrong orderI asked for a batch for doing data entry. I think the computer gave me something for "reindexi…
Master? to a white maleHere is the link to my batch The very first entry says the person is white and a male. There is no…
US, Virginia—Death Records, 1853–1900 [M37T-54M]They ask the occupation of the deceased. (Almost all are listed as farmers - with ditto marks). H…
Is Native of = birthplace on US, Louisiana, Orleans Parish—Cemetery Records, 1805–1944When it asks for birthplace is native of used for this information? I saw in the instructions, exa…
US, New York, Yonkers—Birth and Death Registration and Indexes, 1875–1916[MSB9-X55]This batch does not allow the indexer or reviewer to use the data entry for column, tables, and row…
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