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How to start indexing projectI noticed that some of the items I am looking into are not indexed specifically this - Guam Judicia…
Indexing US—City and Business Directories, 1749–1990 [Part C]These are MOSTLY businesses with with names like Joseph Smith and Co, so those I have no problem w…
Constructing index for spouse mentioned on passenger declaration "Canada Ocean Arrivals"Do I make a second record for a family member (spouse, parent, child) listed on a passenger declara…
What to do when the proposed type of indexing is the wrong one?I have an Italian batch M3Q5-49H that is labeled Matrimoni (marriage), but contains birth certific…
What do you do when you review batchesDon't know what to do when reviewing
Should this Parish record be indexed as a Marriage record?This record is a parish record but is has not indication of what type, year, or Parish. From the i…
While working on batches, should I also index if there are Zero Deaths? If so, how to do that?Liberia—2008 Census [Part H][M3HW-HP9]
Not Sure of the Name on Line 40 of the Tax RecordsLooks like it could read either "Green" or "Gran" for the first name. I'm leani…Answered Closed Maria Gabrielle Northrup 161 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes
Cum indexez / descifrez actele vechi de stare civilă românești, scrise în alfabet mitric?Romanian indexing of old documents written in mitric alphabet (a matter of paleography).
I have my great grandfathers name and two pictures . How do I go about trying to find more infoHis name is Benny M. Hanks
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