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Indexing Program Malfunctioning.The automatic surname function isn't filling in the name when you put one or more letters in the fi…
Census recordIn a census record, if a family member is identified by sex, and is listed under parents in the pos…Answered ✓ Closed LundbergStevenBruce2 231 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by LundbergStevenBruce2
no context to the batch I am indexingI am currently indexing the following "South Africa—Reformed Church Records, 1856–1988[M3S9-9X…
The auto-select feature for family surname has ceased working.I was working on a batch yesterday and the auto-select feature was working. After signing back int…
I would like to do indexing on records from Mexico. I would like help finding them.Can you help me find records from the states of Puebla, Mexico state, and Jalisco?
Does anyone know if prison inmates can do Indexing?Can Indexing be done by prisoners? I have heard that this has been done in Utah and Arizona. If an…
Unique namesIs a name with the prefix Mrs consiered to be a unique name; i.e Mrs Louisa Schmidt and Louisa Schm…
City and Business Directory PlacesIn the city and business directories, if the directory place is listed on one page but not on the o…
Unique Names with PrefixesDo unique names include prefixes such as "Jr." or "Miss"?
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