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Problem of vanished post possibly related to an edit. Also corrupted URLThis is to advise of a problem of a vanished post, see my previous topic dated 29 June 2021. I thou…
How do you separate two people with the same names but having the same ID?There are two Elijah Barnett's both born in 1776 (one possibly in NC, and both possibly in SC), one…
Census InformationThe 1880 Census is attached to my great-grandfather's information. How do I view it to see if his …
unmergingI have been researching an Esther Scargill. There is a potential match I found (MP1L-2RD). Some of …
Need a copy of “William Robbe (1692-1769: of Petersborough, New Hampshire and some of his descendantHello, I am researching the Robbe/Robb family for a DAR supplemental application. I found the book …
Scotland-Carmunnock-Cemetery RecordsI am researching family buried in the Carmunnock Parish Church in Lanarkshire, Scotland. I have com…
How can we find Certificates that are typed?How can we find Certificates that are typed? I'm not very good at reading cursive and it would be v…
Android app shows no parents for recently deceased, but shows OK in Windows ChromeJT said: See recently deceased record G7BM-K4P for Nile Leroy Boyle, died 6/8/2020. The Android F…
Person disappearedG42B-LNB disappeared. I was viewing yesterday, gone today.
Test Question for Training PurposesTesting URLsAnswered Closed Daniel B - FamilySearch 201 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel B - FamilySearch
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