FamilySearch Account
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Discussion List
Convert non-member FS account to a member accountWe are working with a recently baptized individual who want to convert his non-member FS account to…
What to use and What is the difference between and www.familysearch.orgA year ago I started to add all my family information in the Because of usi…
are there any circumstances where user name and helper id dont work nor full namelast week I was assisting my friend with her family history. I have her full name date of birth us…
difference between free account and church accountdifference between free account and church account
How do I enable Relationship Viewing so that someone working on the same lines can see how we are reHow do I enable Relationship Viewing so that someone working on the same lines can see how we are r…Answered ✓ Closed owendwright1.5596054373848115E12 322 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bruce Wilkinson
How do I enable relationship viewing?How do I enable relationship viewing?
Is it possible to have more than 1 email address able to log into 1 account. My two sons are workiIs it possible to have more than 1 email address able to log into 1 account. My two sons are worki…Answered ✓ Closed User1587757552595636171 731 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Bruce Wilkinson
sign insign inI have a free membership. I can't sign in.Answered ✓ Closed User15749558603373052052 441 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by cesarnarcisotinocoperez1
How can I unlock my FamilySearch account?I have been trying to log into FamilySearch. Now, it appears to be locked.Answered ✓ Closed carol.s.johnson 1.6K views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by cesarnarcisotinocoperez1
Why does my sign out menu now show ADM Volunteer Project. I have no idea to what this refers.Why does my sign out menu now show ADM Volunteer Project. I have no idea to what this refers.
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