Family Tree
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Discussion List
Merging Records - partially workingIt seems that when after merging the data points and providing a statement in the "Reason to A…
Incorrect information added by othersSomeone made an assumption about my ancestor's parents. Then, more ancestors were added to these i…
Discovery Person Page - Detail Person Page LinkI like the Detail Person Page. It works pretty great. I often got to the page when searching a ce…
How do I document a source found on a game?This discussion was created from comments split from: Add "Gaming" experiences to family …
Reason statement bugSo, I was looking in the changelog of a person I just restored, and I saw this: And here's a b…
WHY Some Already Created Living People Blocked From ViewingI just created a person in error since I couldn't see her in my tree altho I thought I'd already cr…
Help, I believe one of my 4th great-grandmothers is wrong.Hi, Newbie here. I strongly believe one of my 4th great-grandmothers listed in my tree is incorrect…
Why can't I delete Legacy Disputes?Is there a rational reason why I can't delete "Legacy Disputes" under the Collaborate men…
Proving family of Henry De BrailsfordHi am searching for a member who made changes to family of Henry De Brailsford D.O.B. 1173 - 1245 r…
mending of the genealogies of Hawai'iHello, I need help. I need to mend Many genealogies of hawaiian royalty, including that of Liloa, K…Answered ✓ Closed Keaonuihoomehamehaokalani 71 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Keaonuihoomehamehaokalani
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