Family Tree
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Discussion List
How does Family Tree identify possible duplicate persons?What are the data fields compared to identify record hints, and how are the field values determined…
Merging in family treeI would like to merge my sister-in-law with another entry in the family but this family is a read o…
memoriesMy Great Gr Father was not born in Germany Pike Ohio, I don't know where this information could pos…
Another serious user bites the dust - no questionsMy last email to "support": Well, as I suspected, this message is not true. Already, he's…
is it impossible to add or delete a spouse?I have this situation: I am not able to delete extra spouse and I a…
Is it possible to not allow SFK Legacy users adding to Vital Records?In the spirit of using World Family Tree it is required that a Source be added when filling in one …Answered ✓ Closed rickfaulkner2698453 381 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by rickfaulkner2698453
How do I correct an error that has been made by another party ?My 3 x great grandfather was married twice. He also had a relationship with another woman and fathe…
William Brown. Elizabeth Cotterill. William Mills. Edith Bootheway.Hi All I have just started tracing my family ancestry. Before I knew virtually nothing, but now hav…Answered ✓ Closed ChristopherBrown650 171 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by ChristopherBrown650
Peerage LinesMy tree showed our family connected to a Laird and subsequently an Earl. All exciting. As I had tim…
Eliza Catherine Heldreth No. KCPC-5P9, my 1st cousin once removed.I can't do her Temple work because it says I need more information and I do not know what to do. T…
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